Style, Decor & More: Fall Beauty Blog Hop Giveaway! {Urban Decay Urban Essentials Eye Kit!}

Fall Beauty Blog Hop Giveaway! {Urban Decay Urban Essentials Eye Kit!}

Welcome to our Fall Beauty Blog Hop Giveaway! Today I've joined up with 16 other beauty bloggers to do a fun blog hop GIVEAWAY! If you are unfamiliar what a blog hop is, it's pretty simple. Each lady in the hop is giving away something (beauty-related) on their own blog and you can click through from one blog to another, entering the giveaways as you go, until you end up back where you started! Once you do that, you've completed the loop!

The best part is -- besides having a 
CHANCE TO WIN 17 DIFFERENT BEAUTY PRODUCTS -- after the giveaway has ended and we've all selected winners...
ONE very lucky person among the winners will get the GRAND PRIZE of a $300 GIFT CARD to either Sephora or Ulta (winner's choice!). 
Just in time for limited edition holiday releases! 
*wink wink*

So, if you want to up your chance of winning that sweet shopping spree, be sure to jump to each blog in the loop and enter the giveaways! Make sure you follow ALL the rules of each giveaway so you won't be disqualified! This giveaway loop will run for two (2) weeks, ending on September 14th at 11:59pm EST and is only open to those within the USA and Canada. Ages 18 years and older.

Ready to start hopping? Well, first things first -- you need to enter my giveaway below! I am giving away
 Urban Decay's Urban Essentials Eye Kit
 (ARV $48)! 
To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below. There's only one mandatory entry and two optional entries. Good Luck!

After entering here, remember to hop on over to GROW IT GIRL and enter her beautiful giveaway. She will let you know who to hop to next after you  enter her giveaway!

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  1. Make sure to always exfoliate and moisturize.

  2. Never go to bed with makeup on! LESSON LEARNED for a healthy beauty skin!

    1. Also always remember to moisturize with SPF even if you aren't going to the beach or poolside!❤️

    2. MAJOR MAJOR TIP: You MUST get all the recommended hours of sleep for your age. I know, and perhaps you know from personal experience that not sleeping to finish those late night assignments in school leaves wrinkles and under-eye bags. GET YOUR NECESSARY BEAUTY SLEEP!

  3. Definitely mine is to get enough sleep, I think it shows in your skin and eyes when you're over-tired.

    (Rosie A)

  4. One thing that makes such a difference with me in every area of my life is getting enough sleep. If I don't get enough sleep I get irritable, nauseated, my skin looks dull, I have dark circles anyway that get worse, my spirituality finishes somewhat, the list is endless.

  5. you can wash your brushes and soak them in alcohol for a quick clean i do i tell my daughter that bacteria is on them and shes soaks them in the alcohol and all is good use coconut oil on your face to give a good hydration

  6. Always drink enough water and use a good moisturizer!

  7. I try to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. I feel like my skin looks horrible when I am dehydrated.

  8. Always moisturize and lip balm if you do not like a lipgloss!

  9. My beauty tip is sleep on your back. It's one of the few times gravity is your friend because when you sleep on your side or stomach the creases and wrinkles become permanent.

  10. My beauty tip is sleep on your back. It's one of the few times gravity is your friend because when you sleep on your side or stomach the creases and wrinkles become permanent.

  11. Keep your cuticles oiled and try not to overexpose your nail beds to water

  12. My best beauty tip... whatever it is you want to rock, rock it with CONFIDENCE and you will own it!

  13. My beauty tip is that with make-up, less is always more, no matter what the trend is!

  14. Wear sunscreen every time you go outside.

  15. It's always important to have a good skin care regime!!!!

  16. Always use sunscreen and wash your face every night.

  17. Water is key to me. Keeps you hydrated and skin cleared up. Plus you feel better, and when you feel better you look better.

  18. My beauty tip is to moisturize before putting on foundation if you have dry skin. It goes on so much easier!

  19. use coconut oil to keep your skin soft and smooth

  20. my beauty tips is to use coconut oil to grow your hair and keep it shine

  21. My tip is to keep a package of makeup remover wipes next to where you sleep. That way if you're to tired to do a full skin care routine you can at least take off the makeup.

  22. Don't take super hot showers.. hot water can dry out your skin.

  23. Wear sunscreen with a high SPF EVERY DAY! Seriously you will thank yourself when you are older! Also make sure start using good skin care products when you are young and don't have skin issues (wrinkles, fine lines, etc) my mom drilled this into me when I was a teenager as her mom did the same and people can't believe her age because her skin is super good!

  24. Sleep on silk pillowcases - they really make a difference on your skin. And hydrate, hydrate, hydrate...
    ~ Kim Pincombe Cole

  25. Smoking and drinking alcohol will age you super fast. Never use tobacco products and limit your alcohol intake. You will live longer, feel better and look much younger!

  26. Staying hydrated keeps me beautiful from the inside out.

  27. Wear what you want, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!

  28. I like to use a serum and then a good moisturizing cream in the day and a thicker cream at night to keep my skin looking it's best.

  29. Keep skin hydrated and drink lots of water!

  30. I drink water & use sunscreen daily.

  31. for me is is sunscreen and moisturizer

  32. for me is is sunscreen and moisturizer

  33. For me the key is to stay hydrated. For the longest time I wasn't drinking enough water and it showed.

  34. Keep your hands moisturized from a young age!

  35. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, and wear sunscreen!

  36. The biggest thing that my mother has always pressed into me since a young age when I started wearing makeup is never, EVER go to bed with your makeup on.

  37. My tip is to get outside more often in the sunshine (with sunscreen of course). We spend so much time under fluorescent lights and behind computers. I think it makes a difference in the way we look and feel to get exercise and sun.

  38. Cleanse thoroughly and moisturize day and night. Your skin will thank you by looking fabulous!

  39. I have learned sunscreen,and a good moisturizer help my skin the most!

  40. Begin a skincare routine as early as possible! It's better to prevent signs of aging than try to correct them.

  41. Be kind to yourself and be kind to people around you. Once you show respect towards others, you'll begin to appreciate yourself a little more because your giving yourself a chance to be caring and loving.

  42. I know it has been said/written often but cleanse your face and never sleep with makeup on your face. It clogs pore and leads to skin issues.

  43. Exfoliate and moisturize regularly!!

  44. Stay out of the sun, don't ever tan, and cover up or wear sunscreen. Your skin will thank you!

  45. I know it's already been said but always wear sunscreen. I've noticed wrinkles from working in the sun for the last 4 years.

  46. My tip would be drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and always wear your sunscreen!

  47. Get enough sleep and eat clean to keep your face nice

  48. A beauty tip I'd suggest would be to wash your face every night, whether you wear makeup or not!

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  49. Sunscreen! and wash off your makeup at night.

  50. use sunscreen, get enough sleep, de-stress, drink enough water ;)

  51. My mom always told me....mascara and lipstick no matter can skip the rest of your make-up if in a hurry!

  52. Wash your face every night and moisturize.

  53. I have 3 kids including a son with autism so i never get enough sleep although that would be a big tip of mine! Use a silk pillow to fend off lines/crows feet, always take your makeup off even if it's grabbing a makeup remover wipe and just wiping your face no matter how tired you are! And moisturize all through the year make sure the moisturizer has SPF, every season even winter!! :)

  54. Double cleansing every night. That way you have throughly clean skin before applying your moisturizer.

  55. I always make sure to drink water and use sunscreen.

  56. Double cleansing every night. That way you have throughly clean skin before applying your moisturizer.

  57. Getting enough sleep and drink water is a must. Also trying to stay happy and not get angry for little things.

  58. Moisturize, moisturize, and what else was I going to say? Oh ya! Moisturize!! :)

  59. I suggest using a great Primer when putting on make up I suggest Yonique (: cause you can also use as a hair serum too!

  60. This is so fun! So many awesome products! I love to use argan oil on my face each night it is the BEST moisturizer. Also, I love coconut oil too. My skin is dry and these are the best! starla.batesAT

  61. exfoliate, moisturize and wear sunscreen daily

  62. Get plenty of sleep and drink at least 8 - 8ozs of water a day. Very simple but also very difficult to do sometimes.

  63. Sunscreen and a great moisturizer are must haves!

  64. Always wear sunscreen! Protect your skin!

  65. I like to use up my eyeliners as an eye base if I don't like the color. Wear sunscreen on the drive home on my hands and arms.

  66. water water water - it's so important to stay hydrated!

  67. My tip is to use a daily moisturizer with SPF to protect your skin.

  68. Don't go to bed with make-up on and moisturize.

  69. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!! I can't stress that enough.

  70. Use SPF moisturizer! - Chelsie coulter -

  71. My tip is sunscreen. ALWAYS! Even if you sit in front of a computer screen all day, wear your broad spectrum sunscreen!

  72. My tip is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Once I started doing that, my skin cleared up.

  73. Get enough sleep, drink lots of water, and moisturize!

  74. drink lots of water, clean your makeup brushes!!

  75. Hi Nancy I Just Want to Say Thank You for this Awesome Urban Decay Essentials Eye Kit Giveaway, I Really Appreciate it& Urban Decay is My Favorite Cosmetics Brand Too! My Favorite Beauty Tip is that in the Summer I Like to Leave My Moisturizer & Eye Cream in the Refrigerator So When I Put it On Not Only Does it Feel Great but it Helps Decrease Puffiness & it Helps Reduce Any Redness! I Also Do This with Some of My Body Sprays & Moisturizes So When I Put it on After a Bath it's Nice & Refreshing and it Keeps Me Nice & Cool! Well Thanks Again Nancy for this Awesome Giveaway, Have a Blessed Day! - Jana

  76. Always use sunscreen and wear sunglasses :)

  77. Moisturizing ones face is very important.

  78. My favorite beauty tip is to add coconut oil to your hair and it will make it so soft and shiny!

  79. My best tip is to wash your face every night before going to bed.

  80. Marie Yoon/

    my tip would be keep your face and lips hydrated in the winter time and your body too

  81. My best tip is to use a BHA product daily as it helps to keep your pores unclogged.

  82. For me, no fail, I cleanse my face before I go to bed and when I wake up. I never ever ever go to bed with make up on anymore and my skin has been looking incredible since Ive strictly followed this. I dont even care how tired I am...I just make sure its done.

  83. Eating tons of leafy greens keeps my skin clear and glowing!

  84. Apply cuticle oil all the time, especially after washing your hands/showering, to have long, strong, gorgeous nails!

  85. Make sure to keep your face clean and never sleep with your makeup on.

  86. For beautiful skin I make sure to do two things: avoid the sun at all costs, and drink lots of water.

  87. Drinking enough water, exercising daily, trying to eliminate stress from your life,removing your makeup before going to bed and getting enough sleep are key ingredients to a healthy heart, body and soul. Thanks for the opportunity! O.Sunrise

  88. Never, ever go to bed with makeup on and don't forget to moisturize your neck.

  89. Never, ever go to bed with makeup on and don't forget to moisturize your neck.

  90. Drink lots of water and wear lots of sunscreen c:

  91. I am going to school for esthetics so I really recommend that everyone protects their skin from the sun. You don't want age spots!

  92. Always wear sunscreen and drink a lot water

  93. Wear sunscreen every day, even if you aren't planning on staying out in the sun for long!

  94. Apply powder over your moisturizer and face primer before applying foundation for a more matte finish and to keep your foundation on longer! :)

  95. My beauty tip is that coconut oil is an amazing fix for hair, skin & nails!

  96. I make sure that I moisturize my face every morning and every night. My face is oily but it still needs the moisturizer.

  97. I try to drink as much water as possible and not drink sugary drinks

  98. Don't forget the skin under your chin and decollete. Most people apply moisturizer, since becoming masks only up to the gym but don't neglect the rest of your portrait area

  99. Always take off your makeup before going to sleep!

  100. I make sure I exfoliate and moisture daily.

  101. My tip is sunscreen is a must when going outside.
    Jennifer Rote

  102. my beauty tip is to always moisturize after you shower!

  103. Sleep on a silk pillowcase to avoid tangled hair and prevent wrinkles

  104. Thanks for the opportunity! Beauty tip/secret is coconut oil! There are so so many uses for it: hair conditioner, skin moisturizer, makeup remover, lip moisturizer, etc.

  105. Even if you don't have time to do full make up always wear at least mascara, it just opens up eyes

  106. Always make sure you remove all makeup before going to bed, let your pores breathe!! It's a bummer to wake up with bumps ����

  107. My best beauty tip is to take care of YOU! Self care is so important no matter how you do it - just take time to relax! :)

  108. My grandma taught me this, no matter how you feel smile. It always makes you feel better and it you feel good you look good and smiling gives you less wrinkles.

  109. Always remove your makeup and wash your face before you go to bed!

  110. As well as staying plenty hydrated during the day, taking a multivitamin is a must for great skin!

  111. Make sure to stay hydrated and take your makeup off before bed.

  112. My tip is to use both warm and cool water when washing your face - warm water will open the pores, allowing you to cleanse them, and cool water will close them!

  113. For perfect foundation aplication I always spray mi beauty blender with setting spray and it makes my skin look amazing and natural

  114. Drink water, get enough sleep and use a light moisturizer daily. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, I want this so badly!

  115. My tip is to always moisturize and to drink lots of water.

  116. my beauty tips of everyday are too wash your makeup of before you go to bed and change your pillow case every few days! x

  117. Cleanse, Tone, moisturize daily, do not wear make up to bed and use only natural products on the skin.
    Linda Marie Finn

  118. Always use sunscreen and always take off your makeup every nighy

  119. Love your blogg!
    I always use aloe make up remover! Helps clear the skin!!

  120. Use an old toothbrush to exfoliate your lips! 😄💋👄👍💖

  121. Always moisturize after washing your face. The steam and water on your face from washing it will allow your skin to better soak up the moisturizer.

  122. Always wear sunscreen :)

  123. COnsider using coconut oil for a makeup remover, it will take off waterproof as well. It also seconds as a heck of a moisturizer!

  124. Always wash your face in the morning, at night, or if possible, anytime after you've sweat a lot of when you can in the midday. Always drink water and keep hydrated because your skin is an organ, and you get the best results when you take care of your skin.

  125. My tip is to always take your makeup off before bed.

  126. Be confident and just do you!

  127. The best tip I have is get plenty of sleep and exercise!

  128. Always remember to hydrate with lots of water.

  129. I have a difficult time getting enough sleep, because I tend to stay up reading. And, I struggle to stay hydrated because I enjoy drinking iced tea. But, I use a weekly mask, and try to get a monthly facial. I've also tried to cut back on sugar.

  130. never ever go to bed with your makeup on

  131. Always take makeup off before bed! Always

  132. Try to take out a few minutes of each day for yourself, deep breathing or gratitudes. It helps keep you centered. Billie R.

  133. I drink water all day long and wash my face several times a day. thankyou, ken

  134. My best beauty tip... Wear it with confidence! Whatever "it" happens to be, if you love it, wear it, and make it yours! Nothing is more beautiful than confidence.

  135. don't over exfoliate, it's can cause dryness and sensitivity

  136. ha ha ! i wish i had a tip, i need allll the tips!!!

  137. Beauty tip. Less is more. Do not go overboard on makeup. Look like yourself. Be yourself and be you.

  138. Use a moisturizer before you apply your foundation.

  139. Always wear sunscreen. Your skin will look so much better in the long run.

  140. My tip is to get plenty of rest, eat right, drink loads of water, moisturize with sunscreen every day and exercise when you can.

  141. make sure your lips are prepared for a matte lipstick. use a lip scrub and exfoliate and moisturize them first

  142. Pay attention to your body. If you react stop using a product

  143. Always start with a cleaned moisturized face.

  144. Never leave home without moisturizer, sunscreen, and chapstick!

  145. SUNSCREEN. As a pale redhead, I live by frequent sunscreen applications.

  146. My beauty tip is to eat right! Do not go out to eat at fast food places. That just makes a person break out and lose color in their face.

  147. I like to put lotion on my face every night before I go to sleep.

  148. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week to get rid of dead skin

  149. Always wash your face thoroughly before bed and wear a night cream. It is never too early to start!

  150. Agreeing with many others, moisturize and sunscreen! I tend to forget this in the summer until my first real day out in the sun. It really does make a huge difference when you remember!

  151. Make sure to wear sunblock and glasses to protect your eyes from the suns rays and a hat helps too.

  152. Plenty of sleep, lots of water, and moisturizer.

  153. My beauty tip: less is more. Don't overdo it.

  154. I think getting enough sleep, and using SPF are both really important

  155. Use cheap face sponges to apply glitter nail polish for a more opaque effect. Just brush the polish on the sponge, let the excess gel absorb and then dab the remaining glitter on! Thanks for the opportunity to win, hope I get lucky! <3

  156. I learned that retinol and moisturizing the face really help, if not the overall complexion, at least help smooth out the face. And that creates a great canvas for makeup, or for just going out bare faced!! Also learned that beauty comes in all different forms, and to never be ashamed of what you were born with/given :)

  157. Sun protection - EVERY DAY! No excuses :).

  158. Always wear mascara, even if you're not wearing any other makeup! It makes you look more awake!

  159. "You're never fully dressed without a SMILE!" is my tip :)

  160. "You're never fully dressed without a SMILE!" is my tip :)

  161. Drink plenty of Water and Invest in a good Moisturizer and Cleanser that is suitable for your skin type.

  162. I drink plenty of water and moisturize every day! Keeping hydrated helps you feel and look young and healthy!

  163. For moisturizein my skin, I use face masks that are definitely a life saver for when i go to bed. I use Tony Moly which work so well!!! I also use coconut oil too. I use the coconut oil as my daily makeup routine.

  164. Reduce puffy eyes by splashing withcold water

  165. make sure to wash the makeup off your face before you go to bed

  166. Definitely, drinking enough water is important.

  167. Always take your makeup off before bed time ;)

  168. My beauty tip is to take time and relax. Stress shows.

  169. Always wear sunscreen! And not just on your face...don't forget the neck!

  170. Always moisturize and wear sunscreen everyday!

  171. Take all of your makeup off before bed & moisturize no matter what kind of skin you have.

  172. Smile. A radiant, real smile will make everyone's heads turn. :)

  173. Drinking lots of water and getting plenty sleep.

  174. Drink lots of water. Get enough beauty sleep. Take my vitamins and supplements


I LOVE hearing from you!! Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts! :)