Style, Decor & More: Weekend Cash FLASH Giveaway! {Ended!}

Weekend Cash FLASH Giveaway! {Ended!}

Welcome to our Weekend Cash Flash Giveaway! 
Style, Decor & More has joined an amazing group of bloggers to bring you this awesome FLASH Giveaway! 
One lucky winner a chance to
WIN $45 Paypal Cash or a $45 Gift Card! 
(Winner's Choice!)
Entry is super easy! Simply follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter form below.
Open Worldwide, Ages 18 years and older.
Good Luck!

This giveaway is in no way associated with Paypal.
The sponsor of this event is the collective group of bloggers on the Rafflecopter form.
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  1. use Vinegar and water so much safer the other cleaners

  2. Delegate! My husband and I have spring cleaning weekend.

  3. Open a window to get some fresh air, put on some great music, and focus on the things that will make the biggest impact first!

  4. Spraying down your windows with Apple cider vinegar and wiping down with old newspapers cleans better streak free than window cleaner believe me I tried both ways! It's cheaper too

  5. I clean my dryer lint filters using the used dryer sheet and then throw the lint out for the birds to make their nests. They love it!

  6. Don't do everything at once! Set aside a hour for cleaning, then take a break!

  7. thanks for the brush tutorial, i get confused at timesabout which brush to use! these sound like great brushes.

  8. Take down curtains and load in washing machine on delicate cycle. Go outside to clean window screens then glass. Back inside to clean blinds then glass.

  9. Do a little cleaning each day so it doesn't pile up.

  10. I just read a hint that said to soak orange rinds in vinegar for two weeks, then put the strained vinegar in a spray bottle to use for cleaning. It's also supposed to be good to control ants. My rinds are soaking now and I hope it works well.

  11. I always clean my windows in the spring using newspaper.

  12. My cleaning tip is to use your used dryer sheets for dusting. The static electricity in the dryer sheet traps the dust

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  13. Always begin on the right side of your stove, then move clockwise around the room. The stove is typically the dirtiest part of the kitchen, so ending with it keeps you from spreading dirt and grease. (First, soak drip pans and knobs in warm soapy water. By the time you've worked your way around, they'll be easier to clean.)

  14. I like to start with our windows first. I also put all my cleaning supplies into a bucket with a handle. This way, I go room to room with that bucket and I don't need to be running back & forth looking for supplies.

  15. My best spring cleaning tips: Go around the house and make a list of everything that needs to be done, and then work off the list. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. My best spring cleaning tip is take your time, it doesn't have to be done in a day.

  17. My best spring cleaning tip is don't overwhelm yourself. Focus on cleaning one room at a time.

  18. Go through one room at a time, with a box, to collect all the stuff that's either in the wrong place, or that you no longer want.

  19. I declutter one space at a time so it does not becoming overwhelming

  20. Do the cleaning in small jobs so you do not get overwhelmed.

    alyce poalillo

  21. make up own natural cleaner with tea tree oil.

  22. Clean one room per day so you don't get overwhelmed.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  23. I like to open the windows and start with small jobs first.

  24. I like everything spotless but I don't want to do it!!! Actually I take it room by room or parts of a room at a time. I'm working on really simplifying everything. If I don't use it, for the most part, I get rid of it. thanks for this opportunity.

  25. Take unused items to a charity place.

  26. My best tip is delegate to all my minions! Hahaha! No really, everyone helps.

  27. When I clean with music playing, I clean faster and have fun with it. Brittney House

  28. I declutter each room before cleaning just to get the stuff out of each room that doesn't belong and put it where it really belongs.

  29. Air everything out really well before AND after vacuuming--if dust blows around, you want that to be done with before you start vacuuming (but you still want fresh air after you vacuum).

  30. Oldie but goodie, vinegar and water for windows.

  31. My best cleaning tip is to do a little cleaning each day so it doesn't pile up

  32. I clean one section of the house at a time!!

  33. Clear some of the clutter by eliminating things you do not use and donate them. For inexpensive and natural cleaning solutions, you can use baking soda and white vinegar. White Vinegar can help cut grease, eliminate mildew, and get rid of stains. Baking soda is great for cleaning and deodorizing things.

  34. I break it down into quarters of the house to clean at one time rather than all at once.

  35. I move all of my furniture and vacuum underneath and clean the baseboards.

  36. Rather than making several trips to put things in the correct place, use a clothes basket (or something similar) to gather everything together, and then take them all out of whichever room you are cleaning in one trip.

  37. I would say to play music while cleaning,because it helps make it more enjoyable.

  38. Finish one project before moving on to the next.

  39. Pick me! Pick me! Woohoo! I spit clean and hoard, Lol.

  40. I spot clean. Duh and store my hoard under the bed.

  41. I spot clean. Duh and store my hoard under the bed.

  42. Pick me! Pick me! Woohoo! I spit clean and hoard, Lol.

  43. Get the whole family involved in the cleaning, make it a game so it's more fun for kids.

  44. I go through the whole house and tidy / throw things out, and then I go through one room at a time, deep cleaning each. It keeps me from getting overwhelmed!

  45. I would say my only cleaning tips are to go slow do one room a day that way you don't get burned out and go do a more thourough job

  46. Work on one room at a time so you don't get too overwhelmed!

  47. Using lemon to clean and sanitize anything from the kitchen sink to the bathroom and with added freshness - shaunie

  48. My best tip is to do one room at a time until you finish it all

  49. I always clean 20 mins in the morning and 20 mins in the evening when everyone else is still asleep

  50. For the kitchen clean one cabinet/drawer at a time and before you put everything back in donate or get rid of items that you haven't used in a while and realistically aren't going to use. Also baking soda has great natural cleaning uses. sarah s in rafflecopter

  51. I love to open the doors and windows and get lots of fresh air in while cleaning!

  52. I make a list of rooms to clean Monday through Friday so I never have to clean the entire house in one day!

  53. Wash the windows first so Spring can come in. Clean with upbeat music and it goes faster.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  54. Clean from the inside out. If you start with the closets and things, you'll work your way out. If you start from what you can see first, you may never get to what you can't see. ;)

  55. Swiffers clean up a ton of dust!

  56. I open the windows and play music - keeps me going longer!

  57. Start One room at a time and seperate between donate or sell... My biggest obstacles is coupons.. I have them every where. Wish me luck on getting that binder tamed...

  58. Start One room at a time and seperate between donate or sell... My biggest obstacles is coupons.. I have them every where. Wish me luck on getting that binder tamed...

  59. pick one task to complete each day. before you know it everything will be deep cleaned!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  60. My best tip is to go through each room one at a time and make three piles of things ... keep, store and trash. We've been doing a lot of this lately!!

  61. use wax-based aerosol spray on stainless steel, and organize clothing and accessories by color :)

  62. Focus on one room at a time, I tend to get distracted and not finish in one room before starting another

  63. My best tip is to get everyone else in the house to do it..!!!!!!!

  64. Best tip for me is to open the windows, make sure it's a sunny day out- and get it done as soon as you can so you can then go and enjoy the day!

  65. My best tip is to not try to do it all in one day. Focus on one room a day.

  66. Thank You for the giveaway…time to clean that dust / dirt behind your refrigerator, and clean out your clothes dryer exhaust vent.

    Rafflecopter: Bryan E.

  67. Baskets, baskets, baskets! They are great for quick pickups and storage in every room. I also try to keep a small inventory of cleaning supplies in each bathroom and the kitchen so that I don't have to move products from room to room.

  68. A roommate left the microwave a baked-on disaster. I put 1 cup of hot water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a bowl, then heated it in the microwave for ten minutes. The steam softened the caked-on food. Then I used the vinegar/water mix to clean it with a soft cloth. Immaculate!

  69. Clean from top to bottom, vacuum after you dust.

  70. I break it down by doing it room by room. I clean, toss and donate as I go!

  71. my tip is due one room at a time


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