Have you chosen a color theme for your dorm, yet? If you have, or even if you are in need of some inspiration, get ready to clear the decks with chic and functional desk accessories! We've found desktop organization solutions for your school supplies that will help keep you beautifully organized and make studying more tolerable! From caddies for your notebooks and magazines, to cups and trays for pens, pencils and paper clips, staying organized will save you time and minimize stress.
White is the safest color to use for the next four years, but may not give you the needed boost of color to brighten dull painted dorm rooms. Amazon has a selection of hot pink colorful pencils, paperclips and binder clips that are a great to add a bold pop of color to your desk accessories! Etsy also has adorable bold-engraved pencils, but they'll cost you a pretty penny!
You will no doubt have the best-dressed desk and work space with these smart and stylish storage accessories!
If you don't find a color or style you are looking for, try the Container Store for more colorful options!
Good luck in school! Work hard, stay focused and have fun!

The aqua color is gorgeous! I want this for my office!