Style, Decor & More: SmileBrilliant Whitens and Brightens! {Review & Giveaway!}

SmileBrilliant Whitens and Brightens! {Review & Giveaway!}

We all know accessorizing is important to keeping your look stylish, but have you ever thought of your teeth as an accessory? Your smile is the first thing people see when they meet you! Who isn't captivated by a clean, healthy and beautiful smile?

A few weeks ago, the great people at SmileBrilliant sent me an LED Teeth Whitening Kit.  Even though my teeth were not too bad, they were not as white as they should be, and they definitely needed a little pick me up!

SmileBrilliant LED Whitening kit is a simple, three-part teeth whitening system. The application process is extremely easy! Begin by taking the twist-up, lip-gloss-like applicator, and brush a generous coat on your teeth. Rinse the whitening tray thoroughly. Place the LED Whitening Tray (what appears to be a mouth guard) between your teeth and lips to prevent the whitening gel from coming off or causing further discomfort as a sort of cushion. Afterwards, turn on the LED Light transmitter and rest it against the Tray. The recommended whitening time can range from twenty minutes to two hours, so I decided to try varying times.

When I initially tried the product the LED Light transmitter sat a bit awkwardly and reminded me somewhat of getting an X-ray at the dentist. I removed the LED Light and Tray after my first twenty-minute session to find my teeth were already whiter. During my second twenty-minute session with the product the Light sat more easily and I barely had to make any adjustment. Again, my teeth were noticeably whiter, and I didn't encounter any sensitivity! I extended my next session to forty minutes, and this time I hardly noticed the light at all, and at times, forgot about it entirely. After a forty-minute session, my teeth were considerably whiter!

           Here are my progressive results over the last two weeks:
BEFORE Using SmileBrilliant
Results After Three Sessions
My last session.
 The photo is a little blurry,
 but you can see my teeth are noticeably whiter!
AFTER SmileBrilliant!
I find SmileBrilliant simple to use and, most importantly, extremely effective. It didn’t cause any discomfort or leave a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. I LOVE that the kit can also fit easily into a small purse for convenient travel. SmileBrilliant LED Teeth Whitening System is the perfect combination of convenience and value.

Right now, SmileBrilliant is offering 20% off your purchase when you use Promotion Code SMILE20 at checkout! For more information about SmileBrilliant, or to make a purchase, visit For the latest updates and promotions, connect with SmileBrilliant on Facebook!

SmileBrilliant has generously offered one (1) lucky reacher a chance to 
WIN a SmileBrilliant LED Whitening Kit (a $129 Value!).
To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below!
Open to US & Canada, 18+ and older!
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  1. White teeth show that I care about myself. A lovely bright smile is always the first thing I notice!

  2. I would like to be able to show off my smile

  3. Jamie here of Your Beauty Junkie! I NEED THIS! I need a whiter smile because of past years of smoking (gross I know - quit two years ago) and am an avid coffee drinker. Would love to review this on my blog :-) XO

  4. I recently quit smoking and I want to reverse the effects of smoking.

  5. I am worried about my teeth and sometimes I don't want to smile. Would love white teeth. Thanks.

  6. I'm single again after 16 years of marriage and I would love to have my smile back. I don't smile much trying to hide my teeth so people think I'm either mean or snotty or something. I would love to be able to show off my smile and let people see I'm really a nice person.

  7. yellowed teeth make me look so old!

  8. TO me is the first thing people see then they meet you the teeth when you smile! So it's important to have a healthy looking smile!

  9. i think you look healthier with white teeth. plus it accents my tan, lol! thanks for the giveaway!

  10. A nice smile says everything!

  11. Because personal Hygeine is vey important to me, I work with the public every day and first impressions and clean fresh breath and smile is very important to me and critical for my job!!!

  12. It gives you more confidence. I would like to give to my son.

  13. probley a healthy smile

  14. I'm a busy mom. Not to say all mom's are like me, but I stopped caring about what I look like, and started caring about where I could find my energy to keep up with my kids. COFFEE. TEA. ICED CAPS! and lots of them to keep me from falling behind. Needless to say, my teeth show for it! This would be a nice treat!

  15. I Want to look my best!

  16. I am a blogger momma, and I've appeared on television for my blog already. I plan to appear in public more often and I want to look my personal best. I also live in the Pacific NW, so I drink ridiculous amounts of coffee and tea! The teeth are showing it! UGH!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I want my teeth to be rid of coffee stains and the stains from nicotine from when I used to smoke.~CCB

  19. People notice teeth and they are part of a first impression. I'd like my teeth to be whiter to make a better first impression and get rid of yellowing from coffee and tea stains. Thanks.

  20. I would love to try this.

  21. Wow! The before and after photos are incredible! I could really benefit from whitening.

  22. white teeth look great!

  23. I want my smile to be nice!
    lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

  24. to have a nice smile plus essential eat with and health reasons

  25. When your teeth are white, you just feel better about yourself, smile bigger!

  26. I love smiling and haveing white teeth is something I love

  27. I love white teeth, I think its the most important... after 8 years of braces, my teeth got messed up with one punch to the face in cancun :(

  28. I am not as young a mommy as my mom; so as I try to keep my body healthy, I also want my appearance to reflect that effort so as my kids grow older and I even older still they can be proud to say I'm their mommy.

  29. I want to keep my teeth healthy and want to show off my pretty smile : )

  30. I want whiter teeth. Very important to me to have them when smiling.

  31. I think white teeth are important because the way your teeth look makes a huge first impression on people, so I do my best to keep my teeth looking white and beautiful :).

  32. They can make a person feel more confident

  33. I am a teacher and so I am up in front of my students daily. My teeth are yellow from bad decisions in my life & I would love to improve them so that maybe I would smile more often.

  34. It is important to look and feel great. Plus, I'm getting married in a few months and need a pick me up as well.

  35. White teeth make you look like you take care of yourself.

  36. White teeth are very important! Not only do they make a first impression, but nice, clean, white teeth make you, yourself feel very confident, which in itself, is a major turn on! ;)

  37. Having white teeth or close to it make yourself feel better, when you smile others will see that nice smile much better and whiter and in general its always nice to try to do better for yourself :)

  38. Having great teeth definitely helps improve your confidence.

  39. teeth are one of the first things you see when talking to someone

  40. got have a beautiful smile and being a ex smoker , the yellow teeth just are not in lol just looks healthier .thank you

  41. I sell Mary Kay and want to look my best at all times.

  42. White teeth show that I care about myself. A lovely bright smile is always the first thing I notice! Thanks for the chance!!!

  43. White teeth just makes your smile even better

  44. I don't have straight teeth and stain could be easily stay on my overlapped teeth.... It'd be nice if there's a product can make teeth whitening be easier :)
    Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

  45. I try everyday to win luck... maybe this will be my lucky day

  46. This would be such a lovely prize to win!

    Kerri Patterson :)

    1. oops! should have read before commenting... whiter more brilliant teeth would reflect outwardly how I feel inside when I flash my smile. Thanks so much!

  47. I want to feel confident when I smile...that is why white teeth are important to me!

  48. White teeth brightens my smile and makes i feel more confident while talking to others.


  49. So I can have confidence when I smile.

  50. people judge by appearances, especially in the work place! i could use the extra confidence... i may even give this to a friend who is very self-conscious of his teeth

  51. because brown teeth are not important to me

  52. to be healthy and look my best!

  53. just hate the way they look now. this would be great

  54. White teeth contribute to better overall appearance and make you feel better about yourself

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. would love to try this-would feel much better with whiter teeth

  57. I would love this!!!

  58. I love to laugh and I smile a lot. White teeth are very important when you're always grinning.

  59. Feel better about my teeth, not being scared to smile!

  60. White teethe are just more attractive

  61. white teeth really make your whole look

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  62. I feel like my teeth make me look older than I am. I want to look as young as I feel!

  63. First thing people see when you speak or smile.

  64. great product hope to try it

  65. I'm all for getting my teeth whiter, I would love to try this!

  66. I love white teeth and would love to win this!

  67. i love my smile so i'd like my teeth to be white

  68. I quit smoking, so i would love to be able to whiten my smile!

  69. I would have more confidence to smile if my smile was white!

  70. To have a better smile.

  71. i would love whiter teeth i would smile alot more

  72. a whiter smile would help me gain confidence in myself and I would gain more self esteem. Alyssa

  73. I think its all about first impression. It would help me look and feel my best!

  74. obviously for looks but it also helps make your teeth look scott barton

  75. I love my white teeth but I want them to GLOW white!!!

  76. I would like a whiter healthy smile.


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