DIY Crushed Velvet Nails Kit at Sephora!
Do you love nail polish or have someone on your shopping list who does? Charlotte Knight, Celebrity Manicurist and Ciate's Creative Director, has brought crushed velvet nails from the runways into the everyday DIY mix. Now you can literally get velvety-looking nails in the privacy of your own home with the Ciaté Velvet Manicure Kit ($19). The kit comes in three shades: Berry Poncho, Blue Suede and Mink Cashmere. Each kit contains a bottle of polish, a tube of matching crushed velvet, a brush for application and a plastic tray for easy clean up.
Sephora carries the manicure kit for $19. Shop through SHOPATHOME and receive 5% CASH BACK. Sweeten the deal even further and use Promotion Code SHIPNOW for FREE SHIPPING on purchases of $25 or more. Receive three (3) FREE Samples with every order.

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super super super cute! I will have to try this :)